Sunday, February 27, 2005

Ringing in my ears

I hope I'm not getting deaf. Everytime I hit the crash cymbal, I hear a ringing sound, something not very different from the phone's ring. And now, just after playing the drums for more than an hour, my right ear feels a bit weird, like some mass is inside it.

But my hearing's still fine, I think. Although surely it won't be soon, if I don't cut back on exposing my eardrums to sounds with above average decibel levels. But I can't stop drumming. Besides, I don't get to play the drums very often anyway, just once or twice a week.

What I can do is cut back on wearing earphones almost every waking office minute. Now, that's going to be a bit of challenge. Without my constant fix of music, I find it really hard to stay alert while working.

So here's hoping the wonders of coffee will still work on me. Coffee to prevent deafness, now that's something new.

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