Friday, April 01, 2005

morning cruising

Had a nice long 40-km drive this morning going to Alabang, where I'm attending training. Didn't encounter heavy traffic! Amazing! And the few places where the traffic was a bit slow were at points where I actually wanted the traffic to slow down--you see, the better for me to do some multi-tasking. Like dig in my bag to get my brush and then comb my hair, blithely ignoring the curious stares of two men at the jeepney in front of my car; get my shades from my bag and wear them; grope for and snatch my sandwich from the passenger seat and have it for breakfast; and grope again inside my bag for my phone and text some. (Children, don't do this at home--I mean, in your car.)

The rest of the ride, I was cruisin'. Nice.

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