I'm glad my watch is working again. The battery probably needs immediate replacing lest it goes catatonic again in the middle of something important (like when i'm clocking my jogging). But since discovering this morning that the watch can function again after a few days of hibernation, I'm risking using it for tonight's jogging.
I so badly want to accurately time my runs around the acad oval. Recently, I've timed my laps using only my cell phone, which I leave at the car while I'm actually running. So, so far, what I've been getting are mere estimates. But not today! Because today my good ol' timex is back. I just hope it endures the two laps...
I'm glad too that I'm not gonna jog alone tonight. My officemates Peejay and Astrid will be joining me, as well as my bro Moti. Having been jogging alone for the past couple of weeks, we're already quite a crowd! But hey, the more the merrier!
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